Scoring Methods
Low Point
This is the most popularr method and this is what we are currently using. Your points for a race are your "finish place". The points are then added up over a regatta or a longer series and that's your score. This method is described in the Racing Rules of Sailing - Appendix A. A variation which used to be in the Rules was to award the winner of a race 3/4 points instead of 1 point.. One of the advantages of this system is that its easy to fgure out where you stand, or what finishes you will need in order to maintain your standing. Other methods are not quite so easy. Some of the variations which can be applied are number or percentage of Throwouts, and required participation levels.
Low Point Average
This method is very similare to Low Point. You receive points representing your "finish place". The difference is that your total score is an Average of your finishes instead of a Total of your finishes. Did Not Compete (DNC) is not used to calculate your score. So Throwouts are not as important as in the Low Point method however they can be used. One of the quirks of this method is that a Minimum Participation level is required. Otherwise the winner of the first race could take off the rest of the season since he/she will have an average of 1.
High Point
The High Point method is calculated the opposite of the Low Point method. If there are 20 starters the low point score will range from 1 for the winner to 20 for last place. With High Point the score will range from 21 for the winner and 1 for last place. In this method you receive more points the more boats you beat. This makes sense because its harder to win in a big fleet than a smaller fleet. However there are some quirks. If 5 boats race, the winner receives 6 points. If the rest of the races have 20 racers, that earlier win is only worth what the 15th place boat will get. So winning a race in a small fleet does not mean very much. Onc of the variations is to score as if there are a Fixed number of boats in each race, for example 15. So the winner will always earn at least 15 points. Last place is easy will be 1 point, or if the Fixed number is used then last place will get 15 minus the number of boats in the race. A DNC is always 0. These numbers can be adjusted to compensate for penalties such as DNF, DSQ, etc.
High Point Average
This method does the same for High Point that the Low Point Average does for Low Point. Your series score is an Average of the points you earn in each race.
Bonus Point
This method used to be in the Racing Rules of Sailing, and was formerly called the Olympic Method. Its very similar to Low Point with lower points winning. This type of method is referred to as a "spread" method since there is more of a point spread between the finishes. First place receives 0 points, 2nd receives 3 points, 3rd receives 5.7 points, 4th receives 8 pts, 5th receives 10 points, 6th receives 11.7 points, thereafter you receive your place + 6 points. Lowest points wins the series just like theLow Point method With Bonus Point method you receive better points for winning, or a bigger penalty further down the list. It can be adjusted same as LowPoint with Throwouts, and participation levels.
Squares of 40 Method
This is the same as the High Point Fixed Average, except that the points are squared before calculating the standings. The points for each racer are then averaged. The top score, or the score of the winner of a race, is 40 points (or any other number you pick). Then 2nd, 3rd are 39 points, 38 points and so on. This method is used by the Snipe sailing class.